Robert Patrick CHIRNSIDE5 was born (date unknown). REFTOM CHIRNSIDE Parents: Robert Peter CHIRNSIDE.

Robert Peter CHIRNSIDE5 was born on 14 May 1921. He died on 3 November 1992 at the age of 71 in Rhode Island USA. REF TOM CHIRNSIDE
US Social security death Index online Parents: William CHIRNSIDE.

Children were: Holly CHIRNSIDE, Robert Patrick CHIRNSIDE, Cynthia Dianne CHIRNSIDE.

Ruth CHIRNSIDE5 was born in 1974. Parents: Peter Huett CHIRNSIDE and Fiona McTaggart MUNRO.

Samuel CHIRNSIDE5 was born in 1896 in Preston Lancs. 1901 Census age 5 at Preston Lancs? right parents Parents: Peter CHIRNSIDE and Mary Alice WEBSTER.

Sandra CHIRNSIDE5 was born in 1947. She died in 1952 at the age of 5. REFTOM CHIRNSIDE Parents: Robert CHIRNSIDE.

Sarah Jane CHIRNSIDE5 was born in 1983. refFrom Tom Chirnside Parents: Jeffrey CHIRNSIDE.

Stewart CHIRNSIDE5 was born (date unknown). REF?WYN CHIRNSIDE OF NEW ZEALAND Parents: John CHIRNSIDE.


Suzanne CHIRNSIDE5 was born in 1945. REFTOM CHIRNSIDE Parents: Robert CHIRNSIDE.

Thomas CHIRNSIDE5 was christened on 31 July 1870 in Penwortham Lancs. REF
Tom Chirnside of Lancs from Canada/USA tree also
Vital Records re bap
1871 Census index age 1 at penworthan Lancs with parents Parents: Nathanial Younger CHIRNSIDE and Jane THOMPSON.

Thomas CHIRNSIDE5 was born in 1848 in Etal Nbl. He died in 1927 at the age of 79. He was a Draper. REF. CAROLYN CHIRNSIDE
1881 census age 33 at Preston Lancs with mother and sister a draper
1901 census age 54 a Millwright engine fitter
Wills Index Bolbec hall 1918 died age 70 at 166 Manchester Rd preston lancs.Admin London to Elizabeth his wife Ð2468.3s.2d Parents: James CHIRNSIDE and Helen BEVERIDGE.

Children were: James Beveridge CHIRNSIDE, George CHIRNSIDE.

Spouse: Elizabeth . Elizabeth and Thomas CHIRNSIDE were married.

Thomas Beveridge CHIRNSIDE5,44 was born in 1916.

John Rigarlsford from genes Re United his database Parents: James Beveridge CHIRNSIDE.

Spouse: Agnes Wilson HUETT. Agnes Wilson HUETT and Thomas Beveridge CHIRNSIDE were married. Children were: Christopher Beveridge CHIRNSIDE, Peter Huett CHIRNSIDE, James Andrew CHIRNSIDE.

Waynne CHIRNSIDE5 was born (date unknown). REF TOM CHIRNSIDE Parents: William CHIRNSIDE.

Wendy CHIRNSIDE5 was born (date unknown). REF TOM CHIRNSIDE Parents: William CHIRNSIDE.

William CHIRNSIDE5 was born (date unknown). REF TOM CHIRNSIDE Parents: William CHIRNSIDE.

William CHIRNSIDE5 was born in 1896 in Preston Lancs. He died in 1930 at the age of 34. REF TOM CHIRNSIDE Civil registration Index 1837-1983 re birth1901 Census age 4 at
Preston Lancs Parents: Peter CHIRNSIDE and Mary Alice WEBSTER.

Children were: Robert Peter CHIRNSIDE, William CHIRNSIDE.

William CHIRNSIDE5 was born in 1923. REF THOM CHIRNSIDE Parents: William CHIRNSIDE.

Children were: Waynne CHIRNSIDE, William CHIRNSIDE, Wendy CHIRNSIDE.

William John CHIRNSIDE5 was born in 1843 in Tweedmouth. He died on 31 January 1894 at the age of 51 in Middlesbrough. He was an IRON MOULDER. REF. Tom Chirnside of Preston Lancs from canada Tree
1881 census age 37 living at 22 hunter st middlesbrough
Civil registration Index 1837-1983 re death
Wills Index died age 50 Probate York 2nd June 1894 To Albert & James Chirnside Esq effects Ð10 Parents: James CHIRNSIDE and Helen BEVERIDGE.

Spouse: Ann BANKS. Ann BANKS and William John CHIRNSIDE were married. Children were: Nathanial CHIRNSIDE, John CHIRNSIDE, Margaret A CHIRNSIDE, Peter CHIRNSIDE, James CHIRNSIDE, George CHIRNSIDE, Ellen Beveridge CHIRNSIDE.

John CHIVERS359 was a Market Gardener and Cheesemaker at Cheddar valley Dairy in East Brent.

Spouse: Rosa Edith Mary HUDSON. Rosa Edith Mary HUDSON and John CHIVERS were married.

William CHLEEN?30 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Hannah BOND. Hannah BOND and William CHLEEN? were married on 28 March 1822 in East Brent.30 Witnessed. Christian DAY and George LEWIS.

Thomas CHRISAN38 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Agnes DREO. Agnes DREO and Thomas CHRISAN were married in June 1564 in East Brent, Somerset, England.

Fanny CHRISTMAS1 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Lancelot WENHAM. Children were: Ada WENHAM.

Hannah CHUBB63 was born in Badgworth Som..

Spouse: Joseph HAM. Hannah CHUBB and Joseph HAM were married on 11 October 1775 in East Brent Parish Church.30,63

William CHUBB was born in 1753.84 He died in 1807 at the age of 54.

Spouse: Ann "Nanny" HURDACRE. Ann "Nanny" HURDACRE and William CHUBB were married on 17 May 1798 in Huntspill Som.

Henry CHUDLEY89 was born in 1845 in Sandford SOM.. He appeared in the census in 1891 in the home of Thomas and Maria PETHERHAM. "Harts Row". Brent St. East Brent. SOM.89 a visitor. In 1891 he was a widow89

Alice CHURCHES9 was born in 1870. She died on 5 August 1922 at the age of 52 in East Brent.

Spouse: Edward CHURCHES. Alice CHURCHES and Edward CHURCHES were married.

Bernice CHURCHES58 was born on 21 August 1899.56

Spouse: Frederick John ADAMS. Bernice CHURCHES and Frederick John ADAMS were married. Children were: Daphne J ADAMS.

Edward CHURCHES9 was born in 1877.9 He died on 15 December 1945 at the age of 68 in East Brent.9

Spouse: Alice CHURCHES. Alice CHURCHES and Edward CHURCHES were married.

Martha Ann CHURCHES360 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: William Athur/Henry HAM. Martha Ann CHURCHES and William Athur/Henry HAM were married.

Martha Ann CHURCHES9 was born on 14 July 1877 in Somerset.56 She lived at White house lane cottages in Edingworth East Brent circa 1939. She died on 29 April 1957 at the age of 79 in East Brent.

Spouse: Wiiliam Arthur? HAM. Children were: Alice Lucy May HAM, Reginald William Carl HAM.

Children were: A E HAM.

Rev. William CHURCHEY was vicar between 1689 and 1702 in St Marys Church. East Brent. SOM..65

Susannah CHURCHHOUSE100 was born c 1600's?. "..... having monethly almes of the parish of Eastbrent and ought not to pay for theire chimneys..."

CHURCHILL lived in Huntspill Som circa 1867 ?.

Children were: Christiana CHURCHILL, Charles Body CHURCHILL.

Ann CHURCHILL58 was born in 1793.

Spouse: Thomas COOK. Ann CHURCHILL and Thomas COOK were married on 7 January 1863 in Bristol.

Annie Body CHURCHILL126,168 was born in 1830 in Huntspill Som.89,168 She died on 24 August 1917 at the age of 87. She was buried in Baptist Chapel Rooksbridge. Annie was a Baptist circa: 1900's in Rooksbridge Som..

Spouse: Charles Body CHURCHILL. Annie Body CHURCHILL and Charles Body CHURCHILL were married.

Charles Body CHURCHILL126,361 was born in 1834 in Huntspill Som.168,361 In 1914 he was a farmer in Rooksbridge Som..130 He died on 6 January 1917 at the age of 83. Charles was buried in 1917 in Baptist Chapel Rooksbridge.168 He retired circa: 1891 and was living in South View Farm. Chapel Rd. Rooksbridge. Som.361 He lived next to the Baptist Chapel Circa: 1875 and 1889 he was an a sadler and harness maker and farmer in Rooksbridge Som..70,90,212 Charles and Anne Body Churchill adopted Susan Gillet (Charles Niece) Parents: CHURCHILL.

Spouse: Annie Body CHURCHILL. Annie Body CHURCHILL and Charles Body CHURCHILL were married.

Christiana CHURCHILL361 was born in 1839 in Huntspill Som.89 About 1891 she was an a dairy farmer in Grange Farm Rooksbridge.89 In 1891 she was a widow89 Christiana died in 1924 at the age of 85. She was a Baptist circa: 1900s.168 Christiana was the 2nd wife of Thomas Salvidge
Christiana and five children were living at Grange Farm in 1891 Parents: CHURCHILL.

Spouse: Thomas SALVIDGE. Christiana CHURCHILL and Thomas SALVIDGE168 were married on 3 December 1867 in Huntspill Som.177 They177 lived in Grange Farm Rooksbridge in 1891. The Salvidge family were Baptists Children were: Walter John SALVIDGE, Ada M SALVIDGE, William SALVIDGE, Thomas SALVIDGE, Lucy SALVIDGE, Minnie Churchill SALVIDGE.

Maria CHURCHILL177 was born in 1796. From in Rooksbridge She was buried on 12 March 1875 in Huntspill Som.

Anthony CHURCHOUSE38 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Margaret OLIVER. Margaret OLIVER and Anthony CHURCHOUSE were married in October 1592 in East Brent, Somerset, England.

Edith CHURCHOUSE38 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Richard HARNE. Edith CHURCHOUSE and Richard HARNE were married in October 1560 in East Brent, Somerset, England.

Isabell CHURCHOUSE38 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: John DEMPER. Isabell CHURCHOUSE and John DEMPER were married in November 1590 in East Brent, Somerset, England.

Isott CHURCHOUSE38 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Tymothy JLL?. Isott CHURCHOUSE and Tymothy JLL? were married in November 1580 in East Brent, Somerset, England.

Joan CHURCHOUSE38 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: John VINSEN. Joan CHURCHOUSE and John VINSEN were married in October 1581 in East Brent, Somerset, England.

Joane CHURCHOUSE38 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: John SWAYNE. Joane CHURCHOUSE and John SWAYNE were married in September 1571 in East Brent, Somerset, England.

John CHURCHOUSE38 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Isitt BYON. Isitt BYON and John CHURCHOUSE were married in September 1570 in East Brent, Somerset, England.

John CHURCHOUSE38 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Ketheren? MEULL. Ketheren? MEULL and John CHURCHOUSE were married in April 1570 in East Brent, Somerset, England.

Philip CHURCHOUSE38 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Cicely BULGIN. Cicely BULGIN and Philip CHURCHOUSE were married in January 1566 in East Brent, Somerset, England.

Phillip CHURCHOUSE38 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Margaret DEANE. Margaret DEANE and Phillip CHURCHOUSE were married in November 1562 in East Brent, Somerset, England.

Robert CHURCHOUSE38 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Joane SYM. Joane SYM and Robert CHURCHOUSE were married in August 1603 in East Brent, Somerset, England.

Annie R Adele CLAPP152 was born in 1884 in Alston Sutton (Weare) Som.. Parents: Robert CLAPP and Hester Ann DAY.