Promoting Beekeeping
at the 2008 Hutton "Taste of Somerset" show.
and at the Axbridge
'Somerset Showcase'

Many visitors were attracted to
the live bee display |

Here Thomas talks to a local
Strawberry grower about pollination. |
For the 2nd year running,
Christiane Hare and Thomas O'Neill organised another successful display,
promoting Beekeeping and the Burnham Division of Somerset Beekeepers
Assn. at the Hutton "Taste of Somerset" show.
The observation Hive with
live bees set up by Thomas, attracted a steady flow of interested
viewers and many questions were asked and answered!
It was clear that many more
people are becoming aware of the future of beekeepers and their
importance to the pollination of food crops.
'Somerset Showcase'
Christiane, Michael and
helpers again manned a table to promote beekeeping and display live bees
at the popular 'Somerset Showcase' at Axbridge.
An enthusiastic audience
averaging over 60 people packed into the tiny Watchfield Hall for the
six evenings of 'Beginners Beekeeping' lectures.
Arranged by the Burnham
Division of the Somerset Beekeepers Assn. The classes were given by
Gerald Fisher, President of the Somerset Beekeepers Assn.
and long established Somerset beekeeper and tutor.
Follow the
course reports HERE
21 -22 The Burnham Division of SBKA attended the 'Insect and
Pollination' weekend at
Sanders GardenWorld at Brent Knoll.
Christiane and Michael Hare along with other members, manned a
stand promoting the contribution of bees and beekeepers to the
pollination of agricultural crops in general. And also bringing to the
public attention, the need for increased funding for bee research etc.
Over the two days, several new pages of signatures were added to the
national petition for Bee research funding!
A large number of the
public were drawn by the live display of bees in the observation hive
kindly loaned by Thomas O'Neil
Gerald Fisher is made President of the Somerset Beekeepers Association.
In recognition for the
outstanding work in the world of beekeeping, congratulations go to
Gerald Fisher on becoming the President of the SBKA.
Over many years Gerald has
been foremost in promoting, demonstrating and lecturing at agricultural
shows, colleges and local division meetings etc. on all aspects of the
"Craft of beekeeping" as he calls it! With more than 30
years experience, he has beekeeping in his genes! Highly respected, he
can always be relied on for advice on any aspect of beekeeping.
Gerald is also responsible
for the world class winning Somerset Beekeepers website.
At the International Apimonda convention held in Dublin in August.
2005. The new Somerset Beekeepers Assn website won the Gold
medal for the best beekeeping group website worldwide.
August 2007
Using an
observation hive, Christiane demonstrates 'Life inside a
beehive', at the Hutton Garden Show.
visitors were fascinated by this demonstration and showed
interest in taking up beekeeping.
Sept - Oct 2005
For the second year,
Christiane and Michael Hare set up a successful beekeeping promotional stand
at the Axbridge "Taste of Somerset" Fayre in September.
And also manned a stand
promoting the importance of 'Bees and fruit pollination' over two days at
the "Apple weekend" at Sanders Garden World.
These events were a great
opportunity to promote beekeeping to the public. And also
to bring to their attention
the effects of the DEFRA cuts to beekeeping and pollination.
A large number of visitors endorsed our petition
to government.
Christianne explains the
use of a 'Nuke'
to an interested visitor at Axbridge. |
The Mayors of Glastonbury
and Weston and their ladies listen with intent as....
Michael explains how the
disastrous effects of DEFRA cuts will affect the bee population and pollination
etc. |
Sept 2005
After 70 years. Stan
gives up smoking and hangs up his 'Hive Tool' !

Members toast Stan Woodbury (2nd
from right above) for his input into beekeeping over more
than 70 years. |
Mostly due to
having to move his apiary and also the health problems of both
himself and his wife. Stan
Woodberry announced at the September meeting that after much
deliberation, he had decided to give up his beloved bees!
Stan has been a beekeeper since he was 10 years old when he helped
his father also a life long beekeeper. He has seen many innovations
in beekeeping through the years, good and bad. A skilled carpenter,
he made much of his own equipment adapting it to his own methods
etc. Luckily for us he is to remain a member of our division where
we can still draw on his vast experience.
Meetings held at Stan's apiary were always entertaining and the highlight of the end
of the beekeeping season and usually ended with 'Wine and Cheese'
"Many thanks Stan" |
SBKA Website
wins top worldwide award! |
At the International Apimonda convention held in Dublin in August.
2005. The new Somerset Beekeepers Assn website won the Gold
medal for the best beekeeping group website worldwide.
This outstanding
achievement is largely due to the input of Gerald Fisher SBKA Webmaster and Promotions Officer.
Check it out at: