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Welcome to BHBKA
The Burnham and Highbridge Division of the Somerset Beekeepers Assn. online pages.

Bees have been making honey since pre-history!  And mankind has taken advantage of its unique properties for nearly as long!  Beekeeping has been a pastime or indeed a necessity of kings and countrymen for centuries and is evolving all the time.  

With the decline of wild bees it is even more important that we encourage more beekeepers. More than a third of our food is pollinated by the honeybee and is vital to agriculture.

Here in the Burnham area we have an enthusiastic group of apiarists (Beekeepers), The intention of this website is, to promote beekeeping, to keep members and the public informed and to show you what we get up to. And hopefully encourage you to take a look at the many aspects and rewards of beekeeping. Not only the reward of superb fresh honey, but to learn how important our bees are to pollination of crops and indeed our survival.
We sometimes can arrange to attend events and groups to promote beekeeping.
If you are beekeeper or thinking about taking up beekeeping and would like to know more about bees or pollination etc. And perhaps thinking of joining our local group of beekeepers. 
Contact me on 01934 750274 or email John Webmaster.

Associate membership costs as little as £3  per annum!

Our meetings take place about once a month during the summer. Meetings usually concentrate on a seasonal aspect of beekeeping, with practical hands on demonstrations for beginners and experienced apiarists alike. This is usually followed by the serious business of refreshments and of course... running the division?

How to... 

A recent demonstration by Gerald Fisher on 'Preparing your bees for winter'.


Any Other Business...

 Meetings are relaxed and informal !



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John Rigarlsford. © 2003 and ongoing!                 Site developed and maintained by. JR's 'Kitchen table' Enterprises!