is the daughter of Derrick and Gwendoline Mary Trego. (nee Bishop). Her
father Derrick came from Weston Super Mare.
Her grandparents were Ernest and Edith Bishop. (nee
Her great grandparents were William and Catherine Elizabeth Curtis. (nee
Her G. G. grandparents were George and Bessie Bishop.
Marlyn's grandparents Ernest and Edith
Bishop lived in "The Lilacs" Burton Row. East Brent, as did
three generations of the Bishop family.
Many of the Bishop family were born and lived at "The Lilacs". George Bishop and his wife Fanny were living there when their
son John was born in 1816.
Ernest Bishop was a Lead Driver in the
Royal Horse Artillery in World War One. So we can assume he was born
sometime in the late 1800's?
During the 1914-18 war he saw action Egypt, Italy and Africa. He was
awarded the 1914-15 Star - British War and Victory medals.
Ernie "Did Ditches and things" He was hard working and well
respected. He worked as an Agricultural contractor for local farmers and
the River board.
A devout Methodist, both he and his father Walter Bishop were organists
at East Brent Chapel. It is also thought that his father Walter was once
minister there.
Ernest at one time, was responsible for climbing the Knoll and raising
the flag. And when called upon would volunteer along with others to-
'Clean-up' after the 'Horse-racing' at Brent Knoll!
Ernie being quite religious, had a
beautiful organ at his home and his grandchildren hated going to visit
on a Sunday. Ernie would hold a 'Service' which the kids found boring!
He was quite a character and a man of many talents. He was keen on West
country History and Natural History and was a self taught artist. His
paintings sold around the world.
A painting of 'Nut Tree
Farm' by Ernest
Which is thought to be the last thatched cottage in East Brent

Photo: Marlyn Truckle-Whattley
Ernest Bishop and his wife
Edith, never owned a car. They were well known for cycling everywhere.
Even to Scotland for a holiday with a tent on the back of the bike!
Edith had a bad accident on her bike in the 50's and so they were unable
to cycle long distances after that. However they still rode locally, to
the local Post office etc. to draw their pensions.
It was on one of their regular visits to East Brent Post Office that while
Edith was inside and Ernest waited outside with the bikes, that Ernest had
a massive heart attack and was dead before Edith could get outside!
A sad end to such a well liked and talented man.
It would seem that artistic genes still run in the family!
Check out Ray and Marlyns web site
Art from My Heart.
To trace the family back to the 1600's check out the Rooksbridge
'People Archives'
From a Newspaper cutting of 1970's
to East Brent Parish Council for more than 30 years until her retirement
of short time ago, Mrs Rosa Chivers of Brent Knoll, has acquired a
painting which shows what she thinks may well have been the last thatched
roof building in East Brent, she writes:
an oil painting of Nut Tree Farm, East Brent has come into my possession.
It was painted by the late Mr Ernest Bishop of Burton Row, Brent Knoll.
The painting shows a thatched farmhouse which is most attractive. You will
not find this farm anywhere in the Parish today for this building was
burnt to the ground. A farm does stand on the same site, although it is
comparatively modern and is known by another name. It would seem that this
was the last building with a thatched roof in East Brent and maybe within
quite a large area . Even today some farms and cottages had traces of the
Thatch under their tiles.
clerk to East Brent Parish Council for more than 30 years, I have many
memories East Brent Rooksbridge and Edingworth. It is probably unique in
Parish Council history for their to have been only four Clerks to a Parish
Council from 1894 to 1976 from 2 families: first was Mr W Hutson followed
by his son Mr E E Hutson and then my father Mr G E Gunniman Hudson and
then in 1945 by myself, although during the period I did change my name.
feels that the Knoll itself is a very famous landmark. From time
immemorial it has been famous in some way, it was certainly a hill fort.
What stories it could tell. It is known to had been inhabited in earlier
times, and there are several legends of king Arthur been in the
stand on the Knoll and gaze at the surrounding countryside gives one a
feeling of timelessness and one can imagine days of people living in
thatched cottages and even may be in mud huts!
To be continued........