....Population:  Expanding!

Welcome to our free Somerset village website.  
A runner-up in the Somerset Community Council village website competition 2006

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Information on the Present!

Some history from our Past!

About us


Business & Services
East Brent School Pre-school
Local web links.



Black sheep!

Church history
Features & Links
Photo Archives

Your village family History ?


Recycling & Energy
 'News letter'


Family research links

People:                Places:            Help Wanted          Acknowledgements:


Some background notes to some of the places in Rooksbridge that we pass by daily!

As snippets of information are given to me, I hope to build a vision to the past of some of the older houses and places within the village.


The Village pump

The Baptist Chapel

Eldertree Cottage

fry_house.jpg (9988 bytes)
The Fry family home.


The Cheddar Valley Dairy.

Click the views above for the feature


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The small print!  

All content of this website is published in good faith, freely and voluntarily, and bear in mind, it is based on information gathered from a variety of sources. You send me the info and I just glue it together!  
Please feel free to use any of the content. However, an acknowledgement on your site or publication would be appreciated..! 

While I make every effort to verify the content etc. I do not Guarantee, nor will I be held  responsible for any resulting effect of statements or assumptions found to be incorrect. (However these will be corrected  or deleted as soon as I am made aware)! Additions and corrections please to me: Email or Tel: 01934 750274
Information, advertisers and contacts  published within this www. rooksbridge.org.uk website are in no way a recommendation by me.
It is the responsibility of the individual to ascertain the accuracy and honesty of any information given within this website before acting upon it!
Note: This is not a secure website!  When contacting persons initially from information published on this website, do not reveal sensitive or personal details such as age, school, Bank and credit details etc. 

Unauthorised copying and reproduction for commercial gain, is prohibited. Permission should be sought from the webmaster and is welcomed. 

John Rigarlsford. © 2003 and ongoing!                 Site developed and maintained by. JR's 'Kitchen table' Enterprises!