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From 1934 Deanery Magazine



The church of St Mary the Virgin
East Brent
Church Street East Brent

A 12th Century Church

Part of the United Benefice of Brent Knoll, East Brent and Lympsham.

Some content taken from the
Burnham Deanery Magazine

March 1934

Courtesy of Mr Richard  Popplestone.

St Mary's Church                   Methodist Church


From the Burnham Deanery Magazine.


Badgworth, Berrow, Biddisham, Blackford, Bleadon, Breane (sic), Brent Knoll, Lympsham, Weare, Loxton

 Extract  April 1927 


Good Churchmanship in the best sense of the words – that is the combination of life-long habits of regular Church attendance with consistent Christian character – is not so common now-a-days that we can afford to pass over with a bare mention of the fact, the passing away during the last month, of two of our old Rooksbridge friends, Emma Phillips and her brother-in-law Arthur Phillips.  Until failing health made it impossible Emma Philips was a regular Communicant at the Chapel of the Good Shepherd.  And the distance of nearly 2 miles each way seldom prevented Arthur Philips from walking to the Parish Church and back on Sunday evenings.  May they rest in peace, and may we have grace so to follow their good examples that with them we may be partakers of the heavenly kingdom.


Mar 7th Emma Phillips, aged 84

Mar 25th  Arthur Phillips, aged 80 

This extract kindly submitted by Marion Nicholas. Loxton. www.loxtonsomerset.org.uk

The following extracts kindly submitted by Richard Popplestone, a relative of Frank Page.

EDITORIAL.        March 1934

 Day Nineteen send to Brean. The Editor declines to be held responsible for the opinions of his Correspondents.

    PLEASE WRITE  One side only.    Names plainly    EASTER DAY NOTES—Direct to Printer. April issue on 5th. Heavily over­written unless April Notes are short, much excess payment will be involved. (ED.)


This newly formed Association will come into force on and after April 1st, 1934, as the D.N.A. year always ends on March 31st. The representatives of our two parishes have unani­mously elected our Rural Dean as Chairman, Mrs. Wickham as Hon. Treas. and the Rector of Lympsham as Hon. Sec. The latter hopes that the representatives of each parish will thoroughly canvass every house in their respect­ive districts, and get more subscribers and, if possible, larger subscriptions. The chief diffi­culty will be the financial one. 


March 4th  8 a.m. March 11th—MOTHERS’ UNION CORPORATE COMMUNION 8 a.m., 9 a.m. (R). and 11 a.m. (Choral),
March 18th 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. (Plain).
March 25th—(Palm Sunday. Annunciation of B.V.M.) 8 a.m.   
March 29th—(Maundy Thursday). 8 a.m.
April 1st—EASTER DAY 7 a.m., 8 a.m., 9 a.m. (B) and 11 a.m. (Choral).

                 Please note alterations of usual hours, March 4th and 11th.


March 1st—Prebendary J. J. Langham.

March 8th—Rev. E. B.  Williams.

March 15th—Rev. Stanford F. H. Robinson.

March 22nd—Prebendary G. W. Saunders.

SUNDAYS 6.30 p.m.

March 4th—Rev. J. F. M. Whish.

March 11th—Rev. P. Marshall.

March 18th—Rev. R. C. V. Hodge.

AT THE CHAPEL OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD 2.45 p.m. March 4th and 18th—Rev. E. A. H. Strong. March 11th and 25th—The Vicar.

HOLY WEEK, March 25th to 31st.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs­day. Mattins 11.30 a.m. Evensong 7 p.m.

GOOD FRIDAY.  Mattins 11 a.m. Evensong 6.30 p.m. Also at Chapel of Good Shepherd, Evensong 2.45 p.m. Collections on Good Friday for Jerusalem and the East Mission.

Easter Eve—Evensong 7 p.m.

MOTHERS’ UNION. The week of March 4th is to be observed throughout the Diocese as a special Week of Prayer for M.U. members, followed by Corporate Communion on Mothering Sunday, March 11th. In East Brent it has been arranged to celebrate Corporate Communion at three different times on March 11th to give every member a chance of attending—8 am, at the Parish Church. 9 am. at Rooksbridge. 11 am, at the Parish Church.

We are also having special intercessions at the Lenten service on Thursday, March 8th at 7 o’clock.

On Wednesday, March 7th there will be a meeting at the Vicarage at 3 o’clock with address by Mrs. Hay Wilson, a missionary of the U.M.C. A. in Africa, on African Mothers and their Babies. A book stall will be provided. Tea at 3d. We much hope members will make an effort to attend on all these days.

£1 was collected at Evensong for the Tuber­culosis Care Committee on Sunday, February 25th.


One of our critical readers, was heard to say about the subscription list of last month” I make it, not..
 £15 8s. Od., but £12 18s. Od.” he was right. The explanation is that the following three kind contributions given on Jan. 25th were accidentally omitted. Mr. E. E. Hutson £1; Mr. E. J. Jesty £1; and Mr. W. Watkins 10/-, 

We are glad to report now a further addition of £12 1s. 9d., made up as follows :—Mr. G. E. Hudson 5/-; A Friend 10/-; A Rooksbridge Friend 5/-; Mr. F. Woodward, Senior £1; Mr. J. Connell 10/-; Whist Drive £2 16s. 3d.; Miss Luttrell £2 ; Searching Registers, Wedmore 10/6; Bridge Drive £3; Sale of Garden Fête goods, Mrs. D. Ward 5/-; Miss Maud Watson  £1.      Total £12 1s. 9d., reducing deficit from  £43 15s. 5d. to £31. 13s. 8d.

Our best thanks are due to the following ladies who kindly gave the prizes for the Bridge Drive—
Mrs. Tom Tilley,  Mrs. Say and Miss Enid Day.

 PAROCHIAL CHURCH MEET-Jan. 30th. The accounts £28 1Os. lid.

The following twelve were nominated and elected to serve on the CHURCH COUNCIL for the ensuing year:
Mrs. Say, Mrs. Hutson, Mrs. Gill, Mrs. E. E. Huett, Mrs. E. J. Fry, Mrs. Yeoman, Messrs. F. Woodward, Senior, B. S. Champion, It. Yeoman, P.
Huett, E. J. Fry, F. Cantle. Mr. E. F. Hutson was unanimously co-opted at the first meeting of the new Council. The ex-officio members are the Vicar and Church wardens, Messrs. P. Ward and H. W. Frost, and the representatives on the Rural-decanal Conference, Mrs. Rose Huett, Mrs. Wickham and Mr. and Mrs. D. Ward.

The SIDES MEN were re-elected as follows:

Messrs. F. Woodward, Senior, E. E. Hutson, Charles Hodder, B. S. Champion, F. Cantle, IT. Lull, G. Hill, Sidney Ham, P. Huett, E. J. Fry, B. Yeoman and W. G. A. Frost.

At the first meeting of the New CHURCH COUNCIL on Feb. l6th the following officers were re-elected:

Mr. F. Woodward, Senior, Vice-Chairman; Mr. E. E. Hutson, Hon. Sec.; Mr. E  Edwards, Acting Sexton; Mr. B. A. Fear,

          Organist; Mr. E. Cooke, Steeple-keeper; and Mrs. Dixon Ward, Hon. See. for the Duplex F.W.O.

The Council expressed their sincere appreciation of the way in which Mr. Fear had met them on the question of his salary. Mr. F. Woodward, Senior, consented to act as organiser of au appeal to the parish for the clearing off of the Spire Fund deficit.


An Economy Sale will beheld at Rooksbridge below the Chapel of the Good Shepherd on Friday, April 6th. All interested in bargains of every description are cordially invited to attend. The Sale will he opened at 2.30. Admission 2d. Tea at moderate charges.


January 26th—Pamela Lilian, daughter of Herbert and Freda Elsie Thomas, born December 2nd, 1933.

February 15th --Rex, son of Harold and Gertrude Alice Hill, born December 29th, 1933.


February 13th—Francis William Page and Gladys Alice Maud Crease.


January. 29th—Elizabeth Tincknell, aged 61.

February 10th—Edward Bedding, aged 85.


         4.     3rd Sunday in Lent.         Holy Communion 8 and (plain) after Morning Prayer. Preacher (11 a.m.): The
         Venerable the Archdeacon of Wells.

         11.    4th Sunday in Lent.         Holy Communion 8. Preacher (11 a.m.):         The Vicar of Berrow.

         18.    Passion Sunday (5th Sunday in Lent).         Holy Communion 8. Sung Eucharist 11.

          25.    Palm Sunday.         Holy Communion 8.

                         Holy Week—Maundy       Communion:  8. Pu.

                         Tb. 8. Evening Prayer

Morning Prayer, Litany and Ante-Communion 8. The " Three Hours” 12—3.

Conductor: The Vicar of Cheddar. Even­ing Prayer and preparation for Easter Communion 7.30.

31. Easter Even.  Morning Prayer and Ante-Communioit 8. First Evensong of Easter 7.

April 1. Easter Day.  Holy Communion 7 and 8. Sung Eneharist

11.     Festal Evensong and Sermon 6.30.

Daily Celebrations during Lent. Mondays and Thursdays 8. Tuesdays and Fridays 7.30. Wednesdays and Saturdays 7. (For In­tentions see services notice-sheet.) Lenten Thursday evening services 7. Preacher:

Padre Weston N.B. Lady Day is trans­ferred from March 25th (Palm Sunday) to April 10th.


Last month I mentioned that the Easter Communion is a tremendous, corporate, world­wide act of adhesion to our Lord. It is not to be treated as a coating of Christian whitewash splashed over a life from which Christian worship and effort are normally absent. The Easter Altar is to be approached by (1) those who worship regularly and are endeavoring (albeit with many slips and failures) to live the Christian life, and (2) by those—no matter their past—who mean to make a fresh start, In both eases, Lent rightly used prepares us to meet and greet our Risen Lord. That act of adhesion to Christ was never more important than it is today. Its tremendous practical im­portance has been brought home to me anew lately through reading some articles on Russian Communism, to which all Communism else­where looks as its teacher and leader.

Those  articles prove convincingly that Communism is a real world-force, and that it recognizes one only other world-force to 1)0 feared and, if possible, to he destroyed—the Christian religion. The most significant and dangerous thing about Russian Communism is the white-hot keenness it asks for and gets. To he admitted into” The Party,” a man is required to show himself a whole-hogger in belief and practice. He must tear from his wall his ikon ‘‘ (image of Christ) and put Lenin’s picture in its place. He must scrap his Bible and read Karl Marx’s “Das Kapital.” lie must reject all belief in God, in a world beyond this world, and in Christ as The Way, The Truth and The Life, and he must see that his children are brought up to do the same. He must he prepared to go where and do what he is told, it is its intense conviction and white-hot enthusiasm which explains how Com­munism has become one of the two world-force which really count to-day.

Every man who is not content to be a drifter (like a dead dog floating along  the stream ) : not content to he a Nero fiddling while Rome is burning: must make his choice between Bethlehem and Moscow, Christianity and Communism, Christ and Lenin. It is the choice between paganism ( human life organised and acting apart from God and without reference to God) and the Christian religion with its Gospel of forgiveness, of eternity, of the good life, of the kingdoms of this world trans­formed into the Kingdom of God. It is really the old choice over again—” Whom will ye  Barahhas (Lenin) or Jesus which is called Christ?” The old question demanding an answer—” Whom say ye that I, the Son of Man, am.  May we so use Lent that our Easter Communion may be a real act of adhesion to Jesus. May we be able to say with renewed conviction and devotion, “Thou. art the Christ, the Son of the living God.”

The Confirmation is to be held in Burnham Parish Church on Friday, March 16th at 3 p.m. The Holy Sacrifice that day (7.30 am.) will he offered with Intention for the candidates. I hope to be able to prepare them in time to make their first Communion on Easter Day. 

          It is with a feeling of relief that I write of the death of George (“ Tom “) Emery. He suffered greatly. But he bore it greatly. He was so patient, so gentle, so sorry to give trouble. having left the house without seeing him on my last visit, as he was passing through a paroxysm of pain, he sent after me that I would come and hold his hand for a moment. Even then his thought was for another—” How warm your hand is,” lie whispered, “ I thought it would be cold.”    However much be was suffering, he seemed to find great comfort in the prayers. God rest his soul.

                    Yours in His Service,   A.  CHISHOLME SCHOFIELD.

 Churchyard. We are rightly proud of the appearance of our Churchyard. Will you help to keep it “decently and in order” by removing all vessels for holding flowers when not in use? And, please, note that any such vessel of a material or design out of the ordinary or bearing any inscription must be submitted for approval.


Feb. 7th—William Joseph Ham and Ella Margery Frost.


Feb. 24th—George Emery, aged 71 years.



In giving a list of the special preachers during the remainder of the Lenten season, I am hoping that everyone will try and make an effort to attend our services. The effort may involve a sacrifice, but sacrifice is one of the keywords of our religion. It seems early to speak of the two days, Good Friday and Easter, to which Lent points, but such days make an appeal to all that is truest and best in us. We should not find it difficult, therefore, to deter­mine the way in which we should observe and keep holy Week and Good Friday, and knowing the need of power to live a new life, we should he in a joyous spirit of worship on the Church’s great Festival of Hope and Life—Easter Day.


Believe me to be,   Yours very sincerely, 






March 4th—11 a.m. Rev. E. C. Williams,  National Society.

                   March 11th—11 a.m. Rev. A. C. Schofield,  Vicar of Brent Knoll.

March i8th—6.30 p.m. Rev. C. J. Heughan,  Vicar of Highbridge.


March 8th—7.15 p.m. Preb. A. P. Wickham,  R.D., Vicar of East Brent.

                    March 22nd—7. 15 p.m. Rev. H. C. Fraser,  Vicar of Mark. 

CONFIRMATION. Our candidates will be presented at the service to be held in Burnham on March 16th.




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